Baby Sphynx UK

Baby Sphynx UK

A small cattery situated in East Sussex, England, United Kingdom.

Here all of the cats are loved and looked after to a very high standard.

With a background in veterinary nursing and 4 years experience in various veterinary clinics Laura has the knowledge and experience needed to produce healthy, socialised and confident cats that are great representations of sphynx breed.

At Baby Sphynx UK cats and kittens are fed premium quality food and enjoy enrichment of many cat trees, shelves and toys as well as plenty of space. They also have the use of a spacious outdoor cat run during the warmer times of the year.

Baby Sphynx UK is a small home cattery with high standards. Here cats live indoors with Laura and other family members where they have the run of the house. Baby Sphynx UK is TICA and GCCF registered, members of Sphynx Cat Association. 

Queens and Kings undergo extensive testing before being chosen for reproduction to create the healthiest kittens possible.

Every animal at Baby Sphynx UK is LOVED and their welfare as well as mental and physical health is the biggest priority here.

Baby Sphynx UK is a cattery you can trust
